We are delighted to announce that St Joseph’s P.S. has been awarded the 2023/2024 Pieta Amber Flag in recognition of the work the school does to promote positive mental health. The Pieta Amber Flag Initiative recognises the effort to create healthy, inclusive environments that support the mental well-being of everyone in the school community. By joining Pieta’s Amber Flag movement, St Joseph’s is part of a community across Ireland working together to break the stigma surrounding mental health. St Joseph’s has offered students the opportunity to begin their well-being journey, learn the basics of positive mental health through it’s commitment to delivering Relax Kids sessions to all pupils, the Paws B Mindfulness Curriculum to Primary 6 pupils, not forgetting fun days, Dance with Duffy and our countless sporting opportunities to encourage the feel good factor. We are honoured to be awarded the Pieta Amber Flag and hope that it has impacted positively on everyone involved as we renew our commitment to promoting positive mental health going forward.
A huge thank you to Mrs Magee for all her time and effort to achieve this fantastic award for St.Joseph's.